Shop The TSPROF Professional Knife Sharpener Range
Experience the highest quality knife sharpening system straight from Russia. TSPROF offers the famous TSPROF K03 guided sharpener, TSPROF KADET and TSPROF Blitz models. Often voted as the best knife sharpening system by users.
TSPROF professional knife sharpeners are made with high accuracy and tight tolerances for precision sharpening, The range includes: TSPROF KO3, TSPROF KO3 Pro, TSPROF Kadet, Kadet Nero, Kadet Pro, TSPROF Blitz Pro and TSPROF Blitz 360.
Further the experience with exploring TSPROF’s accessories, including the TSPROF diamond sharpening stones and attachments.
The TSPROF K03 Sharpening System